We are delighted to be working with MK Arts for Health to host this regular drop in art session. Join the team every Monday (except bank holidays) in the Old Bath House Main Hall between 2-4pm. Sessions are just £2 per week and available to anyone 18 and over.
Tea, coffee and treats are available.
Hello I’m interested about the art sessions you have every Monday. I would like to ask what exactly you do in this sessions. What arts? If I want to come I need to bring something with me? Is there an age limit?
Thank you.
Hi Frantzeska,
Please contact stuart.isaac@mkuh.nhs.uk / 07885 213449 or turn up on the day and speak to the volunteers.
Arts for Health (Milton Keynes) uses arts and creativity to improve health and wellbeing. Join the team for this drop-in session every Monday in the Main Hall between 2-4pm. Sessions are just £2 per week and everyone is welcome.
Occasionally, we hope to get an artist to lead a session and provide some new ideas and inspiration!
Tea, coffee and cake is available courtesy of the community fridge.