Please find a statement from the Chair of Trustees regarding upcoming rate rises. If you are unable to read the graphic image, the text is supplied below:
Due to continually rising running costs in the current economic climate, particularly energy bills for heating and lighting, the Old Bath House Community Centre hire rates will be increasing from 1st February 2024. At this time, we will also be implementing rates for storage areas, and we will be talking directly to service users beforehand about this and what it means for them.
As Chair I have always believed in transparency, and I don’t mind sharing that since the challenges of lockdown, the charity has been running at a significant loss each month. We have been supported by various organisations and schemes and we are extremely grateful to them, enabling us to serve the community as best we could, but many of those support structures are no longer available and we must now look to the building’s costs being met by its lettings. We’re certainly not in crisis, but unless we right the ship that state of affairs will not continue.
As Trustees we have tried to weather the challenges and not pass on additional costs to the community. At the same time, we have both a moral and legal responsibility to ensure the longer term viability of the building and project and this course of action is the fairest way to make that happen.
We will be talking directly to our users that will be most affected, if you would like to discuss the issue further we invite you to attend our AGM on Wednesday 22nd November, 8pm at the Old Bath House.
David Lovesy
Chair of Trustees,
The Old Bath House and Community Centre
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